Tags: Animated
Warning: some download projects are outdated, but we are working on it.
Head Like an Orange
"I am bored, therefore I make GIFs". A lot of funny animated GIFs.
Cinemagraph Collection
Largest collection of Cinemagraphs on the internet.
Cinemagraphs by Ann Street Studio
Like a refined animated GIF, a Cinemagraph is an image in which a small and repeated animation occurs. The Internet has taken a particular liking to these beautiful images - which straddle the line between a still and a video - and here are some of the best by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg (Ann Street Studio).
Oh ma GIF
Ultimate collection of funny gifs where you can find new funny and interesting animated gifs everyday.
Funny Animated GIF Compilations
Great Funny Animated GIF Compilations.